Stacking the Shelves (19)

Stacking the Shelves

Had a super awesome week, in and out of the book world. I’ve had my first couple of driving lessons which have gone really well and I’ve had four offers out of the five universities I applied to, so I’m very happy.

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

For Review.

Fortune's HeroPantomimeThe Demon Lover

So I’m quite excited for these titles. Pantomime from Angry Robot who have published some absolutely fabulous novels recently. The Demon Lover from Random House and Fortune’s Hero from Entangled Publishing.

From the Library.

Blood Red RoadMagic Study

Shock horror that my library actually had some young-adult books in that I actually want to read. I couldn’t help but snap up Blood Red Road after hearing lots of good things about it and it’s so cool to know I’m the first person to have the book out. And then I got Magic Study because I truly loved the first book Poison Study by Snyder and now I’m excited to continue with the series.

Don’t forget to ENTER MY GIVEAWAY – HERE.


What did you get this week?


Filed under Stacking the Shelves

17 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (19)

  1. The Demon Lover looks interesting as does Pantomime. I loved Blood Red Road but the language takes a little to get used to, so be warned. I loved Poison Study but never read after that, so I’ll be interested to see what you think. Great haul Livvy. 🙂

  2. You’re the third person to have Pantomime this week! It sounds really interesting; I’ll keep an eye out for your review!

    My StS post 🙂

  3. I loved Blood Red Road, though it did take me a little while to get used to the writing style, too. I enjoyed Magic Study, but I still think that Poison Study is the best book out of the original three in the series. I’m so happy that she’s going to write about Valek and Yelena again!

    Our StS

    • Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

      Well I’m glad to hear that. I hope I get used to it too, because it’s the thing I’m apprehensive about to be honest. Well, I’ll hope to enjoy it still!

  4. I LOVE BLOOD RED ROAD! AAAHHHH! Seriously, it’s an amazing series, so I think you’ll enjoy it!(: Also, yay for Magic Study! I certainly hope you come to love it too! Amazing haul this week, Livvy!

  5. nicolespencer2

    The Demon Lover sounds pretty interesting so I’d love to hear what you think of it, and I’ve heard about the unique writing in Blood Red Road (appears to be one of those love-or-hate books). I hope you enjoy them and definitely look forward to the reviews!

    • Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

      Thank you. I hope I turn out to enjoy Blood Red Road because it certainly sounds interesting. It does sound interesting 🙂

  6. Oh I haven’t read Blood Red Road yet either and I have had it sitting on my shelf for ages! I’ll keep an eye out for your updates to see how you get on! Also I’ve also seen quite a lot of readers getting Pantomime. I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your books too! 🙂

  7. Ahhh, Blood Red Road is utterly fantastic, I loved the unique writing style of that book. You are so in for a treat. 🙂

  8. The Demon Lover looks like one that’ll be a lot of tun.

  9. I really like the cover of Pantomime – I hope it’s a great read!

  10. Pantomime looks really good and one of my friends gave me Magic Study recently…just waiting on the first book arriving so I can read it haha! Enjoy them 🙂

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